Windows 7 Help Forums Windows 7 Forums is the largest help and support community, providing friendly help and advice for Microsoft Windows 7 Computers such as Dell, HP, Acer, Asus or a custom ...
Windows7 / Vista 桌面圖示產生器 - Pic2Icon 想要把照片轉成Win7 或Vista 的桌面圖示? 只要上傳您的圖檔或照片檔就可以輕鬆 產生桌面圖示檔. 產生的圖示檔包含了多個解析度的ICO圖示檔, 以適應使用者的 ...
如何在Windows 7 中,將隱藏的小圖示顯示至通知區域(一點 ... Windows 7 將通知區域設計的更簡單好用了,如果您發現程式的圖示本來在通知區域,而現在卻找不到了,請不要擔心,這是Windows 7 自動將不常用的程式圖示隱藏 ...
Windows 7-找回桌面上「電腦」圖示@ 學不完.教不停.用不盡 ... 2013年9月20日 - 當你安裝了Windows 7 後,是否發現桌面上熟悉的我的文件和我的電腦等圖示都消失不見了。其實Windows 7 提供了「個人化」功能,這些圖示是要讓 ...
[Windows Vista]使用Default Programs Editor 修改檔案圖示 2010年6月7日 - 一、簡介. 有時候我們可能想要改變檔案圖示,例如*.zip 的檔案圖示變成WinRAR 的圖示,我們可以透過第三方軟體Default Programs Editor 來修改 ...
19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know Your OS drives your whole PC experience, so it's your job as an enthusiast to keep it in a high state of tune. Here's how to do just that with Windows 7. After installing a new OS, most people just jump right in and start driving it through all their favo
How do you change icon text color in Windows 7? - Microsoft Community Hi Jeremy What you are seeing is by design for Windows 7. The desktop fonts are designed to always contrast with the background Wallpaper or solid color selection. This is necessary because if the font color was changed to, for instance blue, and the icon
Network icon wrong when connected with Windows 7 - Microsoft Community I installed Windows 7 64 bit yesterday. The installation went well, but when I am connected to the internet, the network icon on the taskbar says that I am not connected (has a red ...
Save and Restore Desktop Icon Layout in Windows Vista Serge’s app was last updated Sept 6. It only works with Vista x64. The other (Layout.dll) is an old NT4 file that works with Windows XP x32 and Vista x32 and is not supported by anyone. To register it to appear on both the desktop right-click and the MyCo
Microsoft Windows 7 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news Windows 7 is more than what Vista should have been, it's where Microsoft needed to go. How much damage Vista did and whether Windows 7 is enough for people to finally abandon Windows XP are questions that nobody has the answers to right now.